Game Development PC Nerding


This script works well while in Unity Editor
GameObject obj = new GameObject("MyObject");
MyScript s = obj.AddComponent();

But when calling it in a Android APK it return a Null Pointer Reference error when calling MethodThatInstantiateSomething, at the line where Instantiate() is called.


Game Development Personal Life


Holidays are gone. For me they didn’t even start, I kept working on my big project: going the indie way.
This year I decided to take part in One Game A Month, a competition requiring to release at least twelve game a year.
I know most of them will be simple games like the ones I make during game jams/competitions but I hope to release at least one, maybe two, commercial games.
That’s it, I want nothing more from my 2013, only a bunch of games.

Stay tuned!

Game Development

Working on a map generator

MapGenIn the last two weeks I’ve beeen working on a pseudo random map generator for my next game. After discarding a big pack of work, I think I’m finally going the right direction.
The program takes a random, or user defined, seed and from there it start making a map. The map will never exceeds its borders, making it optimal for indoor map generation. From the same seed it will always create the same map, Billions maps will take the same amount of space on hard disk as two or three. This will allow player to replay the maps they like or share them with other players just by sharing sharing the map seed. In a multiplayer experience (which my game will not probably be, but who knows?) it will allow everyone on the same server to play with exactly the same nearly-infinte maps without having to send huge amounts of data over the net.

It’s still basic and I need to add some other stuff like multi-floor generation and odd building shapes. This is lots of work to do, but hey, everything has to start somewhere!
Meanwhile you can play around with it here.